Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Child of the Flame" is Hard to Read, But Worth It

"I received the following email from Zimbabwean author Virginia Phiri ("Highway Queen"), and simply had to share it:

Never in my life have I been challenged by a book such as this one. I have been reading serious books since I was ten, thanks to my uncle who read a lot.

"Child of the Flame" is the type of the book that had been long overdue. Yes it is "fiction" but I would like to insist that the way it has revealed itself it is a "non-fiction" in "fiction". This is not an ordinary book, one needs to have appropriate faculties at the time of reading in order to read, appreciate and digest what is being put across.

The medieval setting divided into Land of Fire, Pandara and Barbaria goes beyond that. In fact it can easily be pushed as far back as the beginning of times where there was peace and harmony. The birth of greed, envy, aggression, jealousy and wars that have dogged us to this day are so clear as if one was a witness at that time.

The power of dialogue, craft, patience, wisdom and special powers as reflected in the book cannot be under estimated in handling threats, chaos and confusion. If this could be applied to our present woes, life could be different. It is never too late, this can be attempted if there is will patience and commitment.

The inter marriage of a Land of Fire and a Pandaran bringing the blood of the two together was the best thing that ever happened. This cemented the relationship of the two worlds. As a result the offspring of this union saved the day by reducing the aggressive, invading Barbarians to nobodies through co-operation, sharing of ideas and commitment. This has come to pass in this modern day.

In our present day it is evident that there are those of the Land of Fire, Pandara and Barbaria clearly identified by their actions."



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