Friday, August 9, 2024

One me does the work of Ten!

 Thanks, and a tip of the hat to Nick Wales of DS Productions for this stunning tribute on the publisher's web site.

"1 Charles Ray Does The Work Of 10" As Western Demand Increases!

August 7, 2024|Authors, DSP Articles

“One Charles Ray does the work of ten,” the meme says—and it’s true. Charles Ray is a production manager’s dream with six novels completed each month, and that still leaves him time for his private business, family life and to catch a few hours sleep.

In a business that is dominated by production—new releases, new ideas, collaborations, rewrites, and high reader demand—it takes an author of Charles Ray’s particular rate of production to keep readers happy. When demand is high those readers want their next read yesterday, and they are never let down by Charles Ray. In fact, last month alongside his usual array of Western adventures, he managed to fit in working on the latest “Timber: U.S. Marshal” tri-write entitled “Kidnap Revenge” and he is already committed this month to so many projects he needs a production schedule all of his own at the DSP office.

Charles Ray burst onto the scene several years ago with his “Bass Reeves” series and since then he has grown into a reader favorite with such popular series as “Jacob Blade: Vigilante,” “Texas Ranger J.D. Pettit,” “Caleb Johnson: Mountain Man” and he has recently started a new series of military fiction novels set during the Vietnam War—the latest is called “Operation Body Snatch” and it’s already selling and picking up reviews.

Tri-writes and co-writes, of course, are something he excels at. He works consistently with Robert Hanlon and J.W. Masterson on the “Timber: U.S. Marshal” tri-writes, and for co-writes how about his latest top one hundred bestseller with David Watts? We are sure you read it—“The Hunt.”

And on top of that, he also takes part in promotions, interviews, having just completed a brand new Tik-Tok video where he reacts to his own reviews, and having just recorded a brand new interview for DSP’s own podcast “Y’all Listen.”

He’s a man without parallel and he’s been on the bestseller chart for a long, long time. Why don’t you go ahead and grab yourself a few of his books? You won’t ever run out because Charles Ray is a production author—quality, and production meet in his writing talent.

Why Not Try “Caleb Johnson Mountain Man: Clementine”?

Caleb and Flora are spending a day in Bear Creek, visiting their friends, Harry Packard, owner of the town hardware store, and Lillian Davis, who owns the dry goods store. Flora and Lillian are chatting when a strange young woman, Clementine Jackson, shows up at the store asking for their help. She’s being pursued by a relentless Englishman who has been sent by her father to find and bring her home, but she doesn’t want to go. Flora and Caleb decide to help her and in so doing find themselves in league with an unlikely ally, author Mark Twain, who just happens to be stranded in Bear Creek because the wheels on the stagecoach he was traveling in broke. He has time on his hands and insists on helping. The matter becomes even more complicated, though, when they learn that Clementine’s sister, Esmerelda, is traveling with the Englishman and is even more determined than he is to take her home.

Where Can I Get My Copy?

“Caleb Johnson Mountain Man: Clementine” is available now from Amazon as a Kindle e-book with a paperback set for release soon!

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