Saturday, January 7, 2017

Same car, different driver - same terrible route!

As an American, I'm conditioned to wish things will turn out for the best after an election, even when my preferred candidate doesn't win. Having watched last year's campaign, and now, watching the Trump Administration try to put saddles on bucking broncos, all the while making some really disturbing noises, I have to wonder. Do I wish this bunch well? I do want my country to prosper--I want everyone in my country to have peace and prosperity, not just a select few. But, I don't want that prosperity to be gained by short-sighted, short-term strategies that will come back in a not-so-distant future to bite us in the butt.

For several years now, I've watched certain Republicans (let's be blunt, mainly, but not solely, the Tea Party activists) pushing the GOP in the direction of exclusiveness, us vs. them, destruction, creating an America that would no longer be welcoming to people like me, an America that seems hellbent on giving the rest of the world the finger and pulling back into its shell of racial, religious, sanctimonious isolation.

Now the Republican ship (car, bus, train, some form of transportation - oh, hell, let's say car because of my illustration) has a new captain/driver. Just when I thought they'd found the worst possible leadership, they went and outdid themselves. Now, they have a . . . not sure what's the appropriate label here . . . wild driver?? at the wheel. Now, they're not just weaving back and forth all over the road, they're ignoring the road entirely.

The problem if they crash and burn is, we're in the path of that careening vehicle, and could very well become collateral damage.

Here's my graphic view of the current situation:

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